Friday, 15 June 2012

Driving Traffic to your Blog - Jargon Free

In today's uber-competitive and ever-growing online business industry, getting traffic to your site can mean the difference between having your company flop so hard that you lose everything, or, quite conversely - having it blossom and potentially gaining a host of new clients!

So the first step is simple (assuming you've already got your business a webpage of it's own).
You advertise it. 
Now I don't mean spam other businesses or your Facebook friends with links saying 'click this, click this!'. I think we can all agree that's just bad etiquette. Instead, it's good to start by finding other similar businesses or blogs online within your niche or expertise. Do they have a forum? Do they allow comments on their page? 
If so - why not read what others in your business area are talking about, and what the latest news is within your niche? Engage others and maybe have a discussion on your opinions and feelings on whatever topic it is that you're talking about. Most forums and blogs that allow you to comment have a simple set-up when you write your post. They'll ask for your name, your e-mail address and then they'll ask (and this is the important bit) for your website. This is where the magic happens. You will link back to your website here, and then others can choose to click that link if they wish. This is called 'Back-linking'.

Back-linking plays a very important role in online business; especially if you're running a business from home or utilising a blogging platform (which I assume you are, since you're reading my blog right now).
I won't go into the small and frivolous details of it, but the reason you'll want to back-link is because of something called 'SEO' (Search Engine Optimisation).
What SEO means, for you - is that search engines, such as Google or Bing will check your website every day, and automatically check how many back links your site has leading to it (from other sites or forums) and put simply - the more back-links you have; the higher your website will rank when people search for whatever business it is you run.

For example, say you're running a home business like I am, and that your business sells stationary to other businesses or individuals. If you've been commenting and posting on other websites, linking your own - then Google will see this and put you higher up on the search page every time somebody searches for 'Home stationary company' or 'Home business stationary' and other combinations of whatever it that your business site is about.

So remember, the key to getting views on your site - which in turn mean more customers or clients, is first finding other similar businesses and engaging people that are interested in your niche.

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